Danascott Ride Complex

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fountains and Italian Cypress Trees

These are on my 'to do' list.

Or to be more specific: fountain sounds. The fountains themselves, I can make.

As mentioned in an earlier blog entry, I was rather proud of myself for searching through my owned items and finding a Looping script, and putting a Library water sound in it. It does work. but it's too loud, and the sound clip being looped is too short--resulting in a sound that's more machine-like than water-like.

I've looked all over the Internet for advice. If there's a "here's how to make and/or find a sound for a fountain," or "here's how to adjust the sounds you put in scripts" how to, I couldn't find it. As with my 'storage prims' problem, it seems to be a question of doing a lot of reading and putting together the widely-scattered clues.

And, again: a more tech-oriented person would probably laugh at these frustrations. But I believe that Second Life can profitably be marketed to people like me----people with no experience in virtual worlds and little tech savvy. But I think it would be a more effective type of marketing if there were more clearly-understandable information around.

((Further caveat---I do applaud SL for having those excellent short videos, as well as the Knowledge Base, available on their site. I'm just hoping they continue to add to them...because I can't be the only one not finding information that is fairly basic---as with the 'fountain sounds' problem.))


So through the SL Wiki I found notice of Audacity, and did download it this morning before work. Now I'll try working with it. It may well be the answer to my questions---I just need to figure out how to export the Library water sound into Audacity and, maybe, stretch it out or repeat it, and lower the volume. Those ideas may be completely wrong-headed. But at least I'll learn something from trying.

In re the Italian (or Mediterranean) Cypress trees: I want to buy one (a copyable one). I need tall-ish trees other than palms for my kinda-Egyptian build, and those seem like the best bet to look 'authentic'.

So I tried Search---but for "Cypress trees". That took me to the very interesting DePaul University pair of sims, and to Geon. I got some nice free or dollar-bie items.....but only American cypress trees. None of the Italian/Mediterranean variety. So, tonight, I'll try both "Italian Cypress" and "Mediterranean Cypress", and see if I'm more successful.

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