Danascott Ride Complex

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Marble Floors of Bay City

Actually I don't know that they have marble floors in Bay City. But the surprise of seeing people bidding L$75/meter and up for a small parcel that's up for auction today, induced me to dream about the place.

In this dream, a woman posting on the Second Life Forums wrote that she was going to 'go for it' by bidding in the auction, because of the fact that Bay City houses have marble floors that are unique in NOT being textures, yet not counting against your prim count. In the post she described how beautiful these floors are, and how they are made up of individual prims that you can copy and use for other things.

In actuality (as opposed to dreams), I doubt that everyone who buys a parcel in Bay City gets a house, let alone a marble floor. I've been over there only once. I guess the appeal is that you're not at the mercy of your neighbor's taste----no giant pink phallasus in your neighbors' yards, etc.

But as far as getting a house---it does make me wonder. If you buy a parcel there, are you then required to either have the building skills to make a house that fits the sims' restrictions, or to have the money to hire someone to build one for you?

Maybe I should go in and check. And look around for marble floors, of course.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Weird Week

Among the things keeping me busy this week were some communications that might have been perfectly legitimate, or might have been 'people making a living' at fraud.

First was a request to hold some land I have up for sale. I've held land for a couple of days (by putting it up for sale to one avatar-name only). Because of a combination of unusual events, I agreed to hold a piece for two weeks. I'll never agree to that again, even if this works out well.

At any rate, the next day I got a very odd unsigned notecard asking me to buy land.

(And this, and all that follows, could be completely unrelated to the first thing. Or, it could be that the first thing told someone 'this is a potential sucker', and all that followed was authored by that same person, or members of that person's group.)

That's all I'll say now, as regardless of how it all turns out (and I have no money at risk, other than the potential represented by the two-week's hold on the sale of that one parcel)---it's got a lot of plot potential!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A nice compliment

Last week I bought a hillside parcel, and decided to make a couple of 1024m's with flat areas at top and bottom--the idea being that buyers could have a house at the top and maybe a pool or garden or what-have-you at the bottom.

So, on the fly, I built a stairway of 'brown concrete' in a bracket shape, so that avatars could walk up and down between the levels. I made a 10m by 10m block at one of the corners, and put a free helicopter there, as I thought it fit in nicely with the 'living on a hilltop' theme.

Well, a few days after it sold, I was flattered to see that the new owner was keeping the stairway construct--though he or she had removed the copter and fenced around edges of the 10 x 10 area to be a sort of patio (which is logical).

Now I kind of wish I'd linked to prims and taken a copy (though of course it would need to be radically adjusted for each particular hilltop situation in each particular sim).

Fun to make something and have someone like it!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Up in Tier, Again

Yes I Did.

(If they [the Linden people] could bottle and broadcast the essence of what makes me do that....well, they'd be richer than they are now.)


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another Forum Promo

Yes.....my earlier post about having lost Inventory items turned out NOT to be a one-of-a-kind situation---others have posted about it, in the last couple of days, on the Second Life Forum (in the Residents Answers section).

There were some practical suggestions (about which sims in which to open the Inventory that seemed to have lost Objects), as well as a notice that the loss-of-objects experience may change, as the Powers That Be are working on a fix.

So...that was good.

Also: This same folder or section of the Forum message board has, as it often does, a thread for discussing the virtues of the Forum as compared with various Unofficial SL message boards. And that's good, as it gives those unfamiliar with the Unofficial sites some clues as to what they are like.

My main thought about all this is: WHY CAN'T I HAVE 50 HOURS IN EVERY DAY SO I COULD CHECK OUT ALL THIS STUFF!?!?!?!?!??

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kindly message-boarders

A bit over a week ago, I logged in to Second Life to see that the Linden Road that runs through my property had been paved. Now, ultimately this could be good, in a business sense, if I ever get my Shop up and running, as (theoretically) people flying around at random tend to follow the Roads, as a way of avoiding ban lines. So in that sense, I'm grateful.

But more than that, I just get a kick out of the nicely-done detail work on the road---the cracked edges with pink showing, as in real roads in the American South that have been made with red Georgia clay as part of the amalgam.

Pretty cool.

Anyway, I was so pleased and enchanted when I saw it that I decided to make a Forum post----even though I knew that, like most message boarders everywhere, the Forum regulars were prone to being cynical about the company running the board.

Maybe the fact that I said in the opening paragraph that I expected to be flamed for brown-nosing, helped ward off flames. Or maybe it was just the case that some kindly non-cynics happened by. But there were several responses, none of which made aspersions about the color of my nose.

So that was good!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Too busy to read, lately

Now that I've gotten involved in this 'make my tier by land trading' thing, as much fun as it is, I'm spending less time trolling the Internet's most popular Second Life-related sites.

And I'm missing out.

Why, just today, by giving New World Notes a few minutes, I learned that there are TWO 'Sarah Palin''s---at least---walking and flying around SL.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Longest Time Without...

Yesterday morning I awoke to no cable TV, no cable Internet. So, no Second Life.

Fixed now.

But I'm pretty sure that this is the longest I've gone, since registering, without Going In.....I'm amazed at how upsetting it was.

Yet I don't seem to fit the 'addiction' profile, as the most I've ever been in within a day is about 4 hours, I think. And I do still go to my job and attend to family needs...

So, I'm not going to worry about it.

(but it certainly was upsetting to be without!)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

How Embarrassing!

Normally, when bidding in an Auction on the SL website, I make sure I refresh the screen past the end time, so that if I think I've won the auction, I confirm that's the case.

The system accepts bids up to some point that I haven't yet determined. The exact 'last second' that a person can click the Submit button, and expect it to register, is basically a trade secret among those who buy land on the Auctions. (What may complicate the situation is that that exact second may differ according to where you are....this information would be very difficult to ascertain with any certainty.)

At any rate, today I was bidding on four properties. For one of them, I got the 'you've been outbid' message about 30 seconds before the close of the auction, and decided not to try to re-bid. Of the remaining three, I seemed to win all three.

But in all the excitement, I must have neglected to click Refresh on one of them, post-expiration time....because I was certain I'd won it.

(And as I found out later, the winner must have made his or her winning bid within the last 3 or 4 seconds of the Auction.)

Sadly, being certain that I HAD checked all three post-auction, I proceeded to set one of the parcels up for sale. By the time I was finished, there was no way of finding out, online, what the Bidding History had been---from what I could see, the fact that someone else was in possession of the second parcel (the second one I'd intended to set up, if that's clearer) was some kind of glitch.

((After this experience---I wouldn't have had to call the LL Concierge line [first time I've done that] if there WERE some way for me to see the Bidding History. I wonder how expensive a change it would be to keep this Bidding History viewable to all those who had actually bid, for (say) 3 hours or so? Well, just a suggestion...))

Since I couldn't find out what had happened any other way, I did end up phoning, and speaking to a courteous person using the phone name of "Molly". I was very embarrassed to learn that the fault had been mine---that apparently I'd neglected to Refresh the 'confirmation of winning' page. I'd apparently gone by the 2-or-3 seconds-from-expiration screen.

At least I won't make that mistake again!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Last night someone from a group with Realty in the name bought a bunch of land from me, in a sim I'd bought five days before. Which might be an indication that I'd underpriced the land, or on the other hand might be an indication that the buyer either had inside knowledge that someone in the sim would pay well for the land, OR that the buyer is simply more optimistic about the attractiveness of the land, than I was.

The same buyer---perhaps having formed the judgment that I'm in the habit of underpricing land---bought some more parcels from me in another sim. Those parcels had sat un-bought for a full month. I dropped the prices, again, five days before this buyer paid for them.

So from that evidence alone, the conclusion that I'd over priced them five weeks ago, then underpriced them six days ago, might seem reasonable. But the price drop wasn't all that dramatic--a matter of less than L$1.50 per meter.

Difficult to draw firm conclusions---just as in real-world real estate wheeling-and-dealing, no doubt.

In general, I do tend to price things on the low side. Mainly this is to compensate for the fact that I don't have a marketing system in place, and can't afford to charge as much as those that do.

Well, it's all interesting.

(What a wealth of data there is, in Second Life, for the economics researcher!)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Inventory Still Lost....

Last night I spent nearly an hour organizing my Inventory (something that had needed doing for quite a while---when I fix up a water parcel, for instance, it's SO nice to have all the items I like to use in one folder, instead of scattered in different folders).

I was also hoping to see something that would help me figure out what had happened to those 1,000 or so items that disappeared on Sunday.

But....no. I'd thought that maybe it was All Duplicates that had vanished---that Linden Lab had just pruned everyone's Inventory.

If so, there was nothing about it in the first couple of pages of Resident Answers--and surely people would have been buzzing about it, even if the official word was that discussion of the phenomenon belonged in some other part of the Forum..

Also, there are still some duplicates in that Inventory. So that's not the answer.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Undersea House

Last night I indulged myself in the fun of building, and made a two-room house for underwater use.

Underwater...mainly because it has circular rooms, which I guess I identify with sci-fi depictions (such as SeaLab 2020 and even other less-cheesy shows), and because the roofs over the rooms glow a bit (I didn't use Glow, which I know can be hard on people with older graphics cards---but the texture-and-color IS very visible through a few feet of Linden water).

I DO need to finally learn something I've been meaning to learn for weeks--how to make sliding doors. I'm sure that anyone living in an undersea house is going to want to be able to shut out any passing sharks and whatnot.... (^_^)

Anyway, I have quite a few water parcels up for sale. Potential buyers may not have thought of the possibility of having a pad-and-tiki-hut-and-palm-trees above, AND a house underneath, lodged in the 'oceanfloor'. But having a few up, as examples, might generate some ideas in those who come to see the parcels....

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Parcel-Making, and Lost Inventory

Yesterday I moved ahead in tier again.

Now, before a certain development today, I'd have said this was a gamble worth taking. After all, if I'm willing to work hard at carving up large parcels into saleable sizes (meaning, generally, sizes that are right at the Tier-Limit amounts), and am willing to make less than one Linden Dollar of profit per square meter---then, if I put enough time in, then in any given month I'd make up for the extra tier I'm paying, as well as, possibly, make a smallish profit.

But of course this depends on a steady supply of land that I can buy for at least fifty Linden cents-per-square-meter LESS than I can sell it for.

There was a bit of an orgy of US Dollar parcels up for sale in the past few days. I will admit that this influenced me. Today--none in the offing.

More disturbingly: to buy a parcel today, yet stay under my new, larger tier limit, I needed to sell a bit under 2000 square meters quickly.

Always before, when I dropped the price of land below a certain per-square-meter figure, it would sell instantly (to bots, of course).

But the bots have apparently been reprogrammed. Supply is too large and demand too small for their old 'buy anything at this price' figure. The new figure will be a smaller number.

So...anyway. Since I did take the plunge, and have to cover that tier, I'll have to buy anything and everything that might make me as little as a quarter of a Linden Dollar per square meter.

Luckily I enjoy the process of carving up a big piece of land into saleable chunks. Doing it on dry land has become fast and routine. Doing it in deep water is somewhat more challenging, as I can't see what I'm doing as a whole---just the bit that Camera can show me.

The worst is shallow water, though. Then, I'm always fighting the Camera.

Still, it's interesting. And it's work that I have to commit to until my next tier payment, at least (when I could go down in tier if the market keeps going downhill)..

With all this flurry of activity, I haven't gotten around to working on my Inventory....but it would appear that either a Glitch or some other agency has gotten around to it for me---when I looked today, it was over one thousand items down!

I didn't even have time to see what was missing....hope it's something I can easily replace.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Classified Conumdrum

I've bought, if I remember correctly, two Classified ads prior to the one I bought today.

One was for parcels in a sim, all of which sold out over about 4 weeks.

The other was for parcels in a sim, NONE of which have sold---or had any traffic to speak of---in the period dating from the purchase of the ad.

Which may very well go to show that I need to improve my Classified-writing skills (KEYWORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or that I paid too little for the ad or that it just happened to be a week, this summer, in which not a lot of folks were looking over the Classifieds.

Anyways, today I invested L$1200 (!!!!.....in the neighborhood of five bucks, US$) in an ad for the parcels I bought day before yesterday. These would be the ones for which I paid L$10.70/m or so. (Yikes!)

But these parcels are somewhat rare: at the edge of a continent. So that the buyer would NOT be dependent on the kindness of strangers, but could reasonably expect clear, unobstructed vistas, for as long as SL may endure. Which is surely a few months longer ((KIDDING, I kid! Could be MANY months longer!...........................of course I, and many others, ardently hope that it will be for Years longer.)

So, hence, therefore: the expenditure of around five bucks, US, to advertise said parcels, in all their rarity.

We shall see if that was a smart or foolish purchase......

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Up to the Limit

Today I finally came within a few hundred square meters of my Tier limit. And if one is paying that much tier, of course it makes sense to keep the property running through, at as near to that limit as possible.

Maybe this will all work out with me paying back the credit card charges as well as tier.

Or maybe not.

Of course I get enough pleasure out of this to make some shortfall---otherwise known as 'average I pay each day for the enjoyment I get'---reasonable and acceptable.

But I'd rather make a profit.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Embarrassed Correction

I keep meaning to mention this:

Some time back, I was complaining about how some new innovation of LL resulted in the loss of the function: click 'f' to fly, and how annoying that was.

Of course that turned out not to be true. What had happened was, somehow (I'm not sure how--accidentally clicking 'c' and 'alt' or some other combination of keys, no doubt) I'd activated Chat.
And with Chat activated, clicking 'f' means........you've typed an 'f' in Chat.

So in that state----arrived at accidentally----I also needed to accidentally get OUT of Chat, and then I could, again, click 'f' to Fly.

Me be dumb.


Monday, September 1, 2008

More Inventory Guilt

I need more time in Second Life.

I enjoy everything I do there---main categories being the land-sale-work (including flying around looking at land, preparing it for sale, and goosing it up when it doesn't sell right away...^_^); the building of things (houses, waterfalls, streams, fountains, basic low-prim furniture, and sculpture, so far); sightseeing; and basic playing-around (driving vehicles on to-be-auctioned sims, for instance).

And I do try to find time, in all that, to winnow my Inventory down.

Over the weeks I HAVE deleted many things (and moved some things to storage prims). I've probably removed four or five thousand items.


So I need to stop doing something else I enjoy, and instead work on that there Inventory, which just topped 8,000 items (yes, I do know that many people carry around more than that......but.)

That, or win the lottery, so I have more time to spend inside SL.....