Danascott Ride Complex

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hard Times for Land Sellers

I've been watching the Second Life land auctions. There have been quite a few Linden Dollar-parcels that have received no bids. (So far, the US Dollar-parcels have all had at least one bid, which I assume means that they sold at the minimum bid.)

In my home sim, there has been a triple row of ~1024m's (some were a bit less) for right around L$10/m^2 each....for as long as I've been in the sim, which is over seven weeks.

Last night, I noticed that the owner had split them into 512s and spent quite an amount of time landscaping them with palm trees and privacy screens, and putting "free with purchase" houses on them. The price is the same per square meter as was the case with the 'unimproved' plots from which these 512s were made.

Which seems like a fair indicator that the owner is willing to put in a lot of time and effort to---it is hoped--earn the same price he-or-she thought was possible to get without the time and effort.

And if this pattern hold true throughout SL---not so good for those holding land for sale.

The news in the last couple of months has been "Premium Memberships Down"....fewer people willing to pay the $6 per month (assuming an annual payment---$10 per month for the month-to-month customer).

The often-quoted Silver Lining is that those who HAVE bought Premium Memberships have been spending longer periods of time inworld. But that lining is only so silver. It can easily be seen as mere pewter. Or tinfoil.

Surely, if SL is to remain a going concern, they're going to have to break down and pay out some cash for advertising.

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