Danascott Ride Complex

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Treacherous Cylinders

Well, not in a 'consciousness' sense. But in a 'when you reverse them you can't go by the numbers' sense.

I've taken to heart the advice that when you build items containing several prims, and you want them to fit together nicely, you need to look at the Position numbers to make them sync, and the Size and Rotation numbers to make things symmetrical.

And that's worked pretty well, so far.

But in the process of making a Cyliner, hollowing it, and Path Cutting it to make a nice little scoop shape.....and then Hold-Shifting to copy it, and then turning the new one around so that they make a symmetrical facing pair---the numbers fall apart to some extent. Because the Center of the rotated piece doesn't match the Center of the original piece.

So in making a nice bench, with these facing Cylinder-parts as the sides/legs, I've had to rely on my eyesight. Which is fine. But, as is notorious, perspective doesn't work identically in Second Life as in First Life.

Oh well. It's frustrating....but also fun to futz around with it all....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I expect there's some product for sale somewhere that could calculate those 'backwards and upside down' numbers.....