Danascott Ride Complex

Friday, August 22, 2008

Another Danger of Being Away

I wasn't away all that long--about 2 1/2 days, this last time. But someone had bought one of my parcels (Great!) but had had trouble with an object left on it, and had IMed me, and didn't get a response for over 2 days (NOT Great).

I'm still somewhat mystified about that, as in the past, when people have bought parcels from me---even parcels in which I've clicked the Include Objects in Sale option---all the objects have come back to my Inventory. (I need to find out: what's the point of that option, if the objects just come back automatically anyway?)

Anyway, in this one particular case---one of the VERY few periods since I registered with Second Life that I've gone more than 24 hours without logging in---the person was plagued with a wave that they couldn't edit (to make Phantom) or remove. So they'd both IM'ed me and sent me a notecard, frustrated, no doubt, with my non-response.

I'm embarrassed about that, but, luckily, the person was nice about it when I explained (and of course, removed the offending wave).

This is another item for the list of Things I Want To Find Out About: why was this one particular object different from all other objects I've left on parcels up for sale?

As far as guaranteeing I'll never again be gone for as much as 2 1/2 days---no, I can't do that. So another thing I should find out is: is there a way to leave an "Away For A Few Days" message? Maybe on my profile, some way?

Gotta check on that.

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