Danascott Ride Complex

Monday, August 25, 2008

Skybox Spy

...I don't set out to be a Skybox Spy.

But as I've posted here, I'm very irritated with the all-too-frequent experience of calling up a sim's name on the Map, then using the Teleport button--and ending up trapped inside a shop.

And the shop isn't always in the center of the sim, either, which has raised my suspicions that the Fix is In in some way (either the shop owner has paid a fee to have their shop be the default teleport spot for the sim, or the shop owner is a friend of a Linden).

I could very well be wrong about that---but it happens so often that I can't help wondering.

I should say that the reason I might be typing a sim's name into the World Map and teleporting, is the very minor trading in land that I've been using to pay my tier. I'm not just spying around for the sake of it....

...But I end UP spying when I do what I've been doing, so as to avoid the Trapped Inside Shop factor: I double-click at random at some other place (other than the center) of the sim. If there's water in the sim, generally I choose that to double-click on.

And a surprising percentage of the time, I've been landing in skyboxes.

I don't look around, even if there's no one there. Am I too much of a Goody Two-Shoes for words? Very possibly. But the fact is, I don't feel comfortable looking around, so I don't.

But in spite of the good karma this disinclination to snoop should be buying me, frequently I have just as much trouble getting out of the skybox as I'd have getting out of a shop.

(Okay, it IS funny......)

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