Danascott Ride Complex

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Particles and Feuds

Logging in, today, I was possessed by an imperative to put some particles in my waterfall.

I looked at all the stuff I'd picked up as freebies. There was a package from 'Andrew Linden' which looks very valuable, but the problem I ran into today is that I couldn't see how to make it loop. I thought about trying to mash up the Linden script with the script I'd cobble together for my fountain sounds (which is still not satisfactory, but it DOES loop).

But I ended up going with one of three other freebie scripts that were already set up to loop. One was giant red spheres floating off, one was medium yellow spheres going 'pop', and one was medium gray spheres floating off. I messed with the last one to turn the medium spheres into teensy particles, and the result wasn't too bad. It kinda works for the waterfall, but it doesn't work at all for my fountains. So I need to keep working on it. (As well as on the fountain sound loop.)

So after an hour or so of particle experiments, I decided to go look at some of the properties to be auctioned tomorrow and the next day. Some, I would suspect, won't sell even at L$3 per square meter (which seems to be the Linden minimum---and that's only for the US dollar auctions).

(I wonder if at some point, if the backlog of failed-auction parcels get too large, will they back off to L$2 per square meter?)

There was one large parcel I liked, but buying it would mean moving up that last tier notch. And that doesn't feel smart, at the moment.

Anyway, the whole process is fun for me. I like flying over Second Life sims in general---it's always interesting to see what choices people have made for their land. And I like watching for trends in sales.

One anomalous auction today has me wondering---was the unusually high price (over L$30 per square meter) the result of Neighbor-desperate-to-block-Neighbor? I've no way of knowing, but the land (though fairly nice) didn't, alone, justify that price.

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