Danascott Ride Complex

Monday, August 4, 2008

Shopping, and Progress in Products

I need some of two kinds of plants I haven't been able to find in freebie boxes (and they're not in the Library part of my Inventory, of course). To finish off my semi-Ancient-Egyptian shop installation on the east side of the Linden road, I need some papyrus and some Italian (or Mediterranean) cypress trees.

The papyrus I got last night, at one of the Tin Teddy islands. Looks pretty good, and is copyable, so I can fill it in all along my little Nile.

The cypress, I'm still searching for. There are a lot more Search hits for 'cypress' of the Southeastern United States variety, then of the tall narrow Mediterranean variety. One with a good appearance and good price (again, at Tin Teddy) is darker than I prefer, and is un-modifiable. So I'll keep looking.

In my searches I happened on an Old Continent plant-and-tree shop that really brought home how much progress has been made in building, since Second Life began. At least, I'm assuming that this shop and its products were created some years back. Anyway, the trees and plants were all of the two-flat-prims-crossed variety, and the photo-textures that had been put on each of the two crossed prims were out-of-scale or out-of-focus or both. Foolishly, I think, the owner had put a Linden Library dogwood in the middle of all this. It really pointed up how bad the merchandise for sale looked, in comparison with the quality of work in plants-and-trees that's now the standard.

Onward and upward!

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