Danascott Ride Complex

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


By coincidence, the well-known Second Life blog New World Notes was soliciting people's news about their own blogs, about a month after I started this one.

So I went ahead and submitted the information.

But other than that, I haven't promoted this. I believe that there's a place to do it on the SL Forum, and maybe elsewhere on the official SL site.

I don't know---when I got into SL and realized I really wanted to commit to it, I thought I'd be getting a shop up and running as soon as I could---and that when that day arrived, would be the time to promote the blog, which would, in turn, promote the shop.

But I got distracted by other interests---the trading in land, the creation of graphics, the Forums themselves.....

I do still plan to open a shop----as the weeks go by I do end up creating more Objects that would be suitable for sale. I'm just not creating them quickly enough to fill a shop, since the time I have to devote to SL is limited, and I do have all these other interests.

Also, when I get around to promoting the blog, I'd like it to be a little more systematically filled with information useful to newbies (a major impetus for my doing the blogging, at all).

Well, time will keep on slipping past---so I'd better prioritize this.....

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