Danascott Ride Complex

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rational or rationalization? (HINT TO MARKETING!)

So I've gradually been moving up in the tier I pay to Linden Lab. And this weekend I moved up to the full-sim price, $195.

I was first attracted by the prospect of being able to create things in a 3D environment. And that remains very compelling for me.

But to create some of the things I wanted-buildings and waterfalls-with-stream-and-pond, for instance---I needed more space than the 512m parcel I'd originally bought.

So I went up in tier (eliminating other monthly recreational expenses to finance the expansion).

Then I decided I might as will try to finance my expenses with the sale of land, as that's a faster return than I could expect by selling objects I'd made. Not that I've given up on making objects-I continue with that, as well as with the construction of my shop. Eventually, when I've purchased classified ads, started promoting this blog (which takes time and effort), created a website to promote the shop, etc.----then I might start to actually sell objects.

But in the meantime: land.

The title of this blog post is not facetious: I think that the story outlined in this post COULD be typical of thousands of prospective new Second Life residents, IF SL would deign to advertise so as to attract people who (like me) would find the whole SL experience compelling in a way that translates into the--you know--transfer of Lots of Money to LL. As has been the case for me.

More anon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They seem to have a philosophical opposition to advertising at all...??