Danascott Ride Complex

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I Want to Make Waves

..not in the metaphorical sense...in the literal sense. Or, I guess, the virtual sense.

I've put in some time with both the books and the Internet, trying to figure out how to get waves to break on my new beach. I would tend to assume it's a scripting thing, though I haven't found any definitive guidance on that.

I did look in the Wiki library for scripts that might have something to do with waves, and didn't see anything. Online searches led me to the Second Life Surfing culture--I didn't see anything on their website about how wave-making is accomplished; I guess it's just another one of those things that seem obvious to those with more tech-savvy (or to those who've been in SL for a while).

I had figured out that they must be---made---the night I flew around between auctions. Sitting at the edge of those coastal sims, it was clear that the 'ocean' was as I'd seen it around, inworld, but that unlike nearly all the developed coasts I'd visited, there were no waves. So clearly, waves are not created by the Lindens for all coasts.

So, 'a script' was the most logical choice.

I suppose people must create waves out of prims, and script them to periodically go through a series of transformations....Well, I may have to resort to what I said I'd resort to a couple of weeks ago: go to a class. Not that I disdain going to classes---it's just that I have so little time to devote to this, and of course a class would be an investment of time.

But for now, I have to concentrate on getting one of my original 512's cleared and listed for sale. I'm not sure how complicated it is to get land listed on the Search - Land; possibly not complicated at all. We shall see. I guess I need to upload my first Texture, too---a For Sale sign (I'll put it on a flattened cube---no big rotating signs for me. I actually have one---when I bought one of the first two parcels, it was one of the objects given to the buyer [me]. But I don't want to put it out there in that mostly-residential 'neighborhood'.)

Also, I want to take some snapshots, inworld, of the original land as it's set up At some point I might well enjoy being able to see evidence of my first days as a landowner. And a nice 'photo' put onto one of my freebie easels might be a nice momento.

"Make waves".....sure, I do have some thoughts of getting good enough at building to have a good reputation. But luckily, I don't have the kind of ambition that 'making waves' implies.

However, I really DO want to be able to sit on my beach and experience the sight and sound of the water crashing on that virtual shore.

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