Danascott Ride Complex

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Festivities

This would be the celebration of the first five years of Second Life, SL5B.

I haven't made any plans to try to attend. I've never quite been able to figure out how people CAN make plans to attend functions when so few avatars can be in one place...as in real life, one must plan ahead, but with room for only---what, about 200 people if the venue is at a corners-of-four-sims location---then luck must play a big part.

I saw that we can watch (presumably at any time) 'video' of the speeches and whatnot. So I may content myself with that.

I had a possible experience with trans-cultural communication, last night: I had IM'd the owner (or the leader of the Group that is the owner) of a parcel that adjoins mine. I'd like to buy just the part on one side of the road--the parcel as a whole is split by a Linden road. (Of course there's no road yet, but the land the road will be on is Lindon-owned.) So on Sunday I'd asked the owner if he/she would consider selling me just the Western portion---and I offered to pay about 155% of the per-meter rate the entire parcel is priced at.

Well, I got a very kind and courteous answer---offering to sell me the EASTERN part of the parcel, and even setting that part for sale just to me. Which was genuinely kind and cooperative. But I'd say that the person is probably highly fluent in languages other than English. (Believe me, I'm not being critical---no doubt that person's English is a heck of a lot better than my Spanish or French, and I do respect those who manage to work in more than one language. )

So I wrote back to thank the person for the efforts, and to repeat that I'd really like to buy the Western part of the parcel. (I also put the coordinates of the Western parcel in this second IM---and should have done so in the first, of course.) We shall see. I hope I didn't word things so as to cause any offense....I can sincerely say I didn't intend any offense, but of course, international relations can often get derailed even when everyone involved has good intentions.

Now to log on and find out if there's been a reply.....

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