Danascott Ride Complex

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Freebie Closet and the Blank Map

My inventory was in the mid six-thousands, so last night, with my few-minutes-available-for-leisure-Internet play, I worked on offloading clothes into storage prims. But I wanted to try them on before doing so, so I stood there (well, my avatar stood there) in undies and tried on one garment after another.

Before doing so, admittedly somewhat irrationally, I checked the World Map to see if anyone was around.

'Irrationally', because, honestly, what difference could it possibly make?

But in the event, no one was around.

I couldn't help wondering: it's now 10 days since I bought this land. From the location of the sim, this isn't the most recent mainland that Linden Lab has created.

Yet it's still just the outline of the 'continent' on the World Map....no 'snapshot' of what people in the parcels have created.

How long does that take to appear, anyway? My narcissism demands an overhead shot of my parcel!!!!!!!!

(Or something.) ^_^

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