Danascott Ride Complex

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dealing with the Aquifer; The Best Business To Be In!!

My land was still brown when I was able to log in, last night (Internet service has been spotty).

I'd looked up ways to find an Object that's underground: in the course of putting one of the free koi into the pond I'd revamped so that it could work on flat land, I'd lost the water underground. (Which I mentally labeled an aquifer, though of course in literal terms, that's absurd.)

But when I lost it, it was late and I was sleepy. So I'd given up and decided to deal with it the next day.

I did find a number of tips, many of which were about objects lost inside other objects (a fairly common occurence, apparently) and so not necessarily helpful in this instance. But unlike the 'storage prim' problem, the problem of Lost Objects is one that has a lot of presence on the Internet. (Search "finding lost objects," and of course "second" and "life", too, and you'll find plenty.)

As it happened, I'd decided to just leave the aquifer alone for a while, since it's only 1 prim. But when I used Camera Controls to look down on my newly-created 2-prim Pond-and-mossy-surround, and used the Shift, left-click on land, and draw a box method to Link the two together, the procedure also linked the underground aquifer. How that works, I do not know! But I was able to lift the whole linked apparatus into the air, then unlink and drag the newly-raised aquifer/pond off to the side, then relink the other pond and surround.

So that turned out okay.

In re The Best Business To Be In: surely it's the one in which your customers gladly pay you for a service that you're not obligated to provide! Yes, this is NOT best in terms of one's karma. But certainly it's best in terms of one's bottom line. Which will be healthy!

Why bother to invest in equipment and personnel to properly service the Internet access you purport to sell, when you can charge people a hefty monthly fee, whether you provide the access or not!

Okay, enough sarcasm. But seriously, it DOES make good business sense to sell people something they'll pay you for even if you don't provide it.

It's icky, ethically, of course.

But, who cares about that!

(denied-access would-be Internet users of the world, unite!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not enough competition in the high-speed business (for individual customers--only one or two choices, usually, and a high cost of switching) to ever remedy that situation.