Danascott Ride Complex

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Another Mystery

I went to my original parcel last night, and found something I've found on many occasions, both at the original parcel and on my new one: the prices of some of my creations have changed.

So far I've made some sculptures, some koi pools (still with only dummy koi, unfortunately), some tables and stools, and the Amazing 9-Prim House (!) I don't actually expect to sell any of this stuff---I have a lot to learn before any of it will be unique enough to attract attention. But, since we CAN put prices on our creations, I've done so. The prices range from a fraction of a penny, US money, to about $1.30 US for the house....just for the principle of the thing.

It's upsetting to have these items revert to "L$0" or "L$10", mainly because the reversion is mysterious. When I do learn enough to make creations attractive enough for buyers, will I log on repeatedly to learn that the fruits of my labor have become free (or as near as makes no difference)? what is causing this?

I began this blog hoping to be able to post answers to questions that don't seem to appear online---in some cases, because long-time users find the answers to be obvious. But newbies (or at least the less-technically-minded ones) may not find them quite so obvious. I know I've looked for a blog like that. But if it doesn't exist, I can at least make a start toward providing one.

And I want to continue to do that. Of course it's discouraging when the unanswered questions seem to pile up much higher than do the answered ones....still, slowly but surely, I WILL learn these things. And post about them!

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