Danascott Ride Complex

Monday, June 30, 2008

Flying, and More Than Busty Chicks on Black Velvet

Yes.....we can fly over the Birthday sims (the SL5B twenty).

Clearly the 60-90 minutes I have for Second Life most days of the week, won't be sufficient to let me see everything. But them's the breaks.

I will say that my available time for being in SL is 'wee hours' in Eastern Daylight Time. And that would be a bit before prime 'log in during morning work hours' time for Europe; late evening for Pacific (= Linden Lab time). So I guess that accounts for the fact that in my two visits to the SL5B sims, there haven't been many people around. I'd guess it's been maybe 50 or so total for the 20 sims (altogether....not each), on average.

No doubt things are livelier before, during, and after 'events'.

Still, you have to wonder how they'll assess the success of this event.

Personally, I'm enjoying seeing evidence of inventiveness beyond the cliched work I saw the first night I as there. People have achieved beyond the Busty Chicks On Black Velvet ideal!!

I was annoyed that the postcard I tried to send myself from inside the Alice-Through-the-Looking-Glass exhibit, didn't arrive. (I've sent myself, and others, several 'postcards' featuring 'snapshots' from inside SL, and they have all arrived. This time it didn't work....me? or something else?)

But overall, I'm having fun, and will continue to do so for the remaining 5 or 6 (?) nights of the SL5B celebration.

1 comment:

Ponsonby Low said...

Looking this over, I see that I really need to say more about the comparison of SL5B to Burning Life....