Danascott Ride Complex

Monday, September 29, 2008

Weird Week

Among the things keeping me busy this week were some communications that might have been perfectly legitimate, or might have been 'people making a living' at fraud.

First was a request to hold some land I have up for sale. I've held land for a couple of days (by putting it up for sale to one avatar-name only). Because of a combination of unusual events, I agreed to hold a piece for two weeks. I'll never agree to that again, even if this works out well.

At any rate, the next day I got a very odd unsigned notecard asking me to buy land.

(And this, and all that follows, could be completely unrelated to the first thing. Or, it could be that the first thing told someone 'this is a potential sucker', and all that followed was authored by that same person, or members of that person's group.)

That's all I'll say now, as regardless of how it all turns out (and I have no money at risk, other than the potential represented by the two-week's hold on the sale of that one parcel)---it's got a lot of plot potential!

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