Danascott Ride Complex

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kindly message-boarders

A bit over a week ago, I logged in to Second Life to see that the Linden Road that runs through my property had been paved. Now, ultimately this could be good, in a business sense, if I ever get my Shop up and running, as (theoretically) people flying around at random tend to follow the Roads, as a way of avoiding ban lines. So in that sense, I'm grateful.

But more than that, I just get a kick out of the nicely-done detail work on the road---the cracked edges with pink showing, as in real roads in the American South that have been made with red Georgia clay as part of the amalgam.

Pretty cool.

Anyway, I was so pleased and enchanted when I saw it that I decided to make a Forum post----even though I knew that, like most message boarders everywhere, the Forum regulars were prone to being cynical about the company running the board.

Maybe the fact that I said in the opening paragraph that I expected to be flamed for brown-nosing, helped ward off flames. Or maybe it was just the case that some kindly non-cynics happened by. But there were several responses, none of which made aspersions about the color of my nose.

So that was good!

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