Danascott Ride Complex

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A nice compliment

Last week I bought a hillside parcel, and decided to make a couple of 1024m's with flat areas at top and bottom--the idea being that buyers could have a house at the top and maybe a pool or garden or what-have-you at the bottom.

So, on the fly, I built a stairway of 'brown concrete' in a bracket shape, so that avatars could walk up and down between the levels. I made a 10m by 10m block at one of the corners, and put a free helicopter there, as I thought it fit in nicely with the 'living on a hilltop' theme.

Well, a few days after it sold, I was flattered to see that the new owner was keeping the stairway construct--though he or she had removed the copter and fenced around edges of the 10 x 10 area to be a sort of patio (which is logical).

Now I kind of wish I'd linked to prims and taken a copy (though of course it would need to be radically adjusted for each particular hilltop situation in each particular sim).

Fun to make something and have someone like it!

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