Danascott Ride Complex

Friday, May 30, 2008

On the Internet, Hooray!!!1!!!!1!!!

I'd sent the URL for this blog to a couple of people and asked them to go to it, which I think is a requirement of getting any blog on the Internet. Glad it worked!

Of course, if there hadn't been anyone kind enough to go to the URL, and this blog had remained accessible only to me, then I suppose I could have been more extreme in expressing opinions about frustrations in Second Life. But heck, it's a shame to waste the resources of a blog site for a mere private diary.

Now that it's possible that strangers might see this (though in the tide of thousands of SL-related blogs, that's no sure thing), I guess I should amend the official description to be a little more explicit about what I'll be talking about. Though with a title like "Second Scrutiny", I suppose there's little danger that the blog will waste the time of those in search of descriptions of sex beds and breast-shading...

I do want to post about things that I couldn't find on the Internet, myself. Most immediately, that includes information about using storage prims--I searched and searched and didn't find what I needed until I finally got into the official Forums. And apparently not every user of Second Life does get access to the Forums, since such access requires that you give a credit card number to Linden Labs. (And actually I didn't find a real answer to the prims question even on the Forum---I just found some related information that I was able to use.)

So, to anyone searching:
  • storage prims
  • storage box
  • storing Inventory items
  • problems with storing

...and relying on the "Second Life Official Guide" (which does has some very valuable information, don't get me wrong), here's some help.

The Official Guide says (after other important tips, such as that you must be on land that allows building): "Click and drag the folder/items from your Inventory and onto the storage prim.; ...release the mouse button to drop the transferred item into the prim."

Which, as I've mentioned in an earlier post, works just fine for Landmarks, Notecards, and anything else that is NOT marked with an icon that looks like a little cube. If you follow those instructions with the Little Cube Icon items, they will NOT go into the prim---they will simply rez on top of the prim.

Not finding information on this anywhere, I tried all options on the "When Left-Clicked" drop-down list (at the bottom of the General tab of the Edit window for the storage prim). But as it turns out, what I needed to do was to go to the Contents tab of the Edit window (for the storage prim--get to it by right-clicking that prim), and drag the box-icon items directly on to that window from my Inventory.

This works, which can be confirmed by closing the Edit window and then right-clicking the storage prim and clicking Open. The box-icon items are there in the list, along with those non-box-icon items which CAN be put in the storage prim using the Official Guide method (of dragging them right onto the prim itself).


So, since gaining this knowledge, and therefore going out to acquire boatloads of freebies, I've been kept pretty busy putting things I don't think I'll use right away into storage prims. It does seem as though SL is more laggy when I have around 5,000 items in inventory, than when I had around 2,000. Or that could be my imagination. But I think I'd like to aim for around 2,000, just in case.

I'd acquired those freebies in just two places, the night I found out how to make the storage prim take even the box-icon items.

The first one was the Free Fandom Project store in Lippert. Most of the free stuff seemed to be Doctor Who-related. I'm not the most knowledgeable fan of the show--I've seen all the Tom-Baker-era episodes, but by no means all of the others--but who can resist acquiring a free Tardis? The store also has plenty of Buffy stuff, including Buffy and Willow avatars; I think there was some Justice League stuff and items from other sci-fi/comics/fantasy franchises, too.

('Feeling Rich', as the sign said, I ended up leaving a small tip.)

The second place was in (I think--I will have to confirm this when I go back in-world) Atlit. This is a place that primarily rents skyboxes and other real-estate, but there's a nice on-the-grass-in-the-medieval-courtyard shop outside, with plenty of sex beds and nice fountains and gazebos and other home decor (mostly) items. "Aleshanee's Design" is in my notes. But in the room that you teleport into, are two walls of freebies to click on---clothes, prim hair, 'gadgets', business-related items such as auto-vendors, textures, gestures, skins, boats, buildings---lots of stuff! I'm excited about 'unpacking' it all! Though I will probably have to go to a public sandbox to rez the buildings---my little plot of land doesn't support enough prims.

Last night I took the time to make a new folder for Shoes and transfer whatever shoes I could find in all the dozens of free boxes and folders---after looking through several thousand items I'd ended up with only a dozen or so pairs.

Shoes, I suspect, will be one of those things for which I will have to lay out cash. As readers may have noticed, fashion is by no means my number one priority. But everything I hear about SL includes the information that people DO expect other avatars to live up to at least a certain level of appearance. And shoes are something that you can't easily make out of the Appearance window. Shoes that aren't fuzzy at the line where skin meets shoe require multiple prims, and good textures. So in general, people aren't as likely to put shoes into freebie boxes/folders, the way they are shirts and pants (which are relatively easier to make).

Like most people who get interested in Second Life, I've put in some time tinkering with my avatar's appearance. Even though my main goal is to get good at building, notto be a fashion icon, I still want to 'look respectable' and non-newbie-ish.

So I will just have to grin and bear the expenditure of a dollar or two, US, to get myself some nice shoes!

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