Danascott Ride Complex

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Update on 'Weird Week'

In my late-September blog post entitled 'Weird Week', I mentioned an in-world IM from someone requesting me to buy land they didn't own.

(I may not have posted all the details here, though I did in the Forums.)

I had eventually gone over to the land, where I was immediately IMed by an avatar present there, who had the same name as the Owner name that came up on the About Land window. This person said that they knew the person who'd originally IMed me, and that this person was up to no good.

However, I'm still not sure if it was someone genuinely engaged in the business of fraud, or someone just hoping to stir up trouble.

Coulda just been a griefer.

In the Forums, someone made a thread complaining that they were being followed around by people harrassing them.

My own weird experience with that person who may have been a griefer (detailed in the "A Mystery" thread in RA) leads me to think that it's not just you well-known-in-SL folk who attract the occasional 'character'.

I'd suspect that there are some people in SL who spend all or most of their time going around and finding random people to poke with virtual sticks.And if the person yelps and makes a fuss----Funsies! (to the 'character', anyway).

When my own 'character' IMed a week or so after the events described in my thread, saying Stop Showing My Property, Someone Told Me You've Been Showing My Property, Stop Or I'll Report You, I'm sure they were hoping I'd send a reply filled with indignation and counter-threats.

(Of course the fact is that I don't 'show' any property I don't own. I don't even 'show' my own, really, other than answering questions people IM me with.)

But instead I just replied "I see".

And that was no fun, and the person left to find someone who'd be more responsive.

Long-winded way of saying----if the person who wrote that Forums thread about being harrassed is finding that people follow him/her around, then it seems quite possible that the person is doing something to encourage them to do so.

(Never feed a troll.)

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